Headache & Migraine
Migraines are severe and intense throbbing pains usually on one side of the head. Headaches, or head pain, can be classified as one of three types. 1) Primary; 2) secondary; and 3) cranial neuralgias (for example, trigeminal neuralgia), facial pain, and other headaches. Examples of common primary headaches are migraine, tension, and cluster. Secondary headaches usually are a symptom from an injury or other medical problem. Types of secondary headaches include "rebound headaches" from overuse of medication, hangovers, meningitis, and post-concussion headaches.
Overstress from work, school
Unbalanced diet from daily life
Excessive alcohol intake
Weather conditions changed drastically
Hormones change
Caffeine overdose or withdrawal from caffeine
Lack of sleep
Prevention & Treatment
Minimize stress
Take breaks
Exercise & stretch
Gonstead chiropractic treatment
When to see a chiropractor
​When the headache / migraine start to affecting your daily lifestyle. For example, it affects your working routine and your sleeping routine. ​Gonstead chiropractic treatment is a way to treat headache effectively without any use of medication.
In this video, DC Joanne Choo explains how Gonstead chiropractic can help in headache & migraine.
Click here to view other symptoms that chiropractor can help with.